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Promote Incineration Bottom Ash Recycling Project Plan

The implementation period of this project is from February 6, 2014 to January 31, 2015. Major tasks include: 1.Promoting Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) Resourcelization. 2.Actively review IBA cleanup techniques and improve the IBA reuse management system and performance evaluations. 3.Investigating and assessing the challenges of IBA reuse to initiate responsive strategies and countermeasures. 4.Providing assistance with the Incinerator Bottom Ash Reuse Program and reviewing the subsidy applications. Auditing the current usage and sales conditions of the recycled IBA aggregates. Project Accomplishments: 1.Collect and analyze IBA from various sources to analyze their composition properties and the pre-treatment, resourcelization, and reuse technologies. Research IBA resourcelized products and engineering applications of IBA resourcelized products to provide practical application recommendations; thus, creating an IBA baseline database. 2.Assist in reviewing and proposing the draft amendment of“The Management Methods of Incinerator Bottom Ash Reuse.”Continuous maintenance and updates to the functions of the "Incinerator Bottom Ash Reuse On-Line Declaration System." Study and the submission of a planning-stage proposal for emergency temporary stocking, contingency measures, and potential landfill sites. 3.Perform sampling and heavy metal content analysis for 20 sets of IBA reuse products to evaluate the extent of heavy metal content. Review and analyze existing and potential challenges from the use of IBA to initiate responsive strategies and countermeasures to increase the use of bottom ash. 4.Assist in the modification of the“Subsidy Principles for the IBA Reuse Program.”Also assist in reviewing the subsidy application plans and documents from local city/county governments. Propose strategies and countermeasures for local governments subsequent to the central government’s IBA subsidy program cessation.
Incineration Bottom Ash, Recycling, Public Work, Recycled Aggregate